If you are like me and spend a lot of time with your irresistibly adorable babies, you know it can be hard to find some time for yourself. We crave it, but it seems impossible to grab just a few minutes.

We need this time to gather our thoughts and energy. So, I have scoured the internet and thought of my previous talks with my husband to give you this list of a few tips to get some peace.
- Do NOT be afraid to ask for help. We are only human and we can't do it all alone. Moms do get the title of SUPERHUMAN because we have so many talents, but we know that is far from true at the end of the day. Occasionally, we do need some extra help.
- Recruit some friends and family. Sometimes I feel guilty asking for extra help from my family, but they have been there, too. More than likely, you have people who are understanding and see that you look fried from an electric shock. They are probably willing to help. I have to remind myself that a couple of hours is not like I am ditching them for the night.
- Recruit other stay at home moms. Trade a few days with each other to watch kids. You know they need a break too. Join forces and release each other from responsibility for a couple of hours.
- Hire childcare. Check out some local babysitters. Have a date night, or if you are like me, go paint at a Wine and Canvas event. Have a girls night with some friends.
- Pass the kids off to hubby. Explain that you need a break like everyone else. My talk was along the lines of him getting time with grown ups, to work and think quietly, and to be a nerd (lol). He understands and sees that I need some time too. I take a bath with some lavender epsom salt to relax and gather my thoughts. I like to read a book and let my mind escape to a far off land sometimes.
- Trade with your spouse. Chances are he goes out and does his thing once a week. Whether if it's with friends or golf. Trade time with him. If he goes out for 3 or 4 hours to do these things, tell him you will get the same amount on another day to do something you want.
- Wake up before the kids. Quietly drink that cup of coffee that usually gets cold after five minutes of being poured. You can enjoy some peace before the kids get up to get ready for school. We all know that's a hectic routine.
- Get the kids to lay down. My girls fight nap time. So, I quit calling it nap time. I tell them to lay down for quiet time with a book and tell them not to get up until I come to get them. Then, I can have a couple of hours to myself. Sometimes, they fall asleep. Sometimes, they talk to themselves. As long as they are laying down, I know that I can have some peace for me.
- Introduce 30 minute quiet time. This kind of meets with the last bullet. This works for older kids, too. If they need to reach a reading goal, this is a good time for them to do so while you rest.
- Close the door. Yes! Sometimes, it is okay to close the door. I wouldn't have had a quiet bath last night if I didn't. Put a stick note on the door to your room. Make this a symbol meaning "Leave Mommy Alone." Use it when dad is around to help with the little ones if you are not comfortable with just closing the door.
- Schedule your time. Make a point to schedule, once a week, some alone time. Some time to go to the grocery store alone. Some time to go to the library and pick up that book you had your eye on, and sit there and read some of it. Whatever you choose to do with that time. That is YOUR time for you. No one screaming like Stewie. Turn off your phone if you want because this is your time.

I hope this is helpful to all of you. I do find it hard to get that time. Or, when I have that time I find that I don't know what to do with it. Don't let that stop you though. Take your time, use it how you choose.
Please comment how you use your time. Let's give each other some ideas. I would like to hear from you!
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