April 5, 2018

How To Spend Quality Time With Your Partner When You Have Small Kids

As a couple it is important to spend time together. Quality time spent together is what fosters feelings of love can and without it the relationship will inevitably begin to fade. With the demands that small children put onto relationships it becomes increasingly hard for a couple to make time to spend together.

You can find time for your partner when you have small kids despite how busy you may be. Don’t get caught up in your day-to-day activities and forget about loving your partner. Read on for ways to spend quality time with the one that you love.

Go To The Gym Together 

 It is usually hard to find time for people to go to the gym. That’s why it’s a great couples activity. You get to cross something off of your to do list as well as spend time with your partner. Take laps around the pool together, go for a walk on the indoor track, or even spot each other while you lift weights.

 The most important thing is that you are getting fit together and holding each other accountable. The great thing about gyms is that they usually have childcare for the little ones in your life so you don’t have to worry about watching your kids and can focus on your work out together.

Couples Game Night 

 It’s probably very likely that you want to spend time with your friends as well as your partner. Invite your favorite couple over to have a day of BBQing and games outside in your backyard. Having kids near a BBQ can be dangerous so ensure you gas grill safety!

 Spend the day BBQing and eating with your family, kids included, but once it's nighttime put the kids to bed and have a game night with your friends. You can play some adult friendly games like cards against humanity or a regular fun game like taboo. Don’t forget the wine for some extra fun.

Family Friendly Vacation 

Going on vacation strictly as a couple may not be realistic for every family; maybe they have no one to watch the kids for the extended stay so they opt to bring the kids instead. If you can’t find a sitter or simply don’t trust anyone to watch your children make sure you do your research before booking anything. You want to find resorts or cruises that offer childcare or kids fun place that way you can get some alone time in and don’t have to compromise time with your children.

Communicate When Apart 

Quality time isn’t just about the time you physically spend with each other and its okay of you can’t be with your partner for a lot of the day. When you are apart is just as important as if you were together. Call your spouse on your lunch break and keep it light hearted, don’t just call to complain about your boss, make it about your partner. You could discuss the specifics of a trip you want to take or a new restaurant you saw that opened up around the corner.

 If you can’t call send a text message or email letting your partner know you are thinking of them. This will go a long way and make your partner's day because everyone wants to feel like others are thinking about him or her.

 Take the time to spend with your partner they will in turn feel supported and secure in the fact that you love them because you are constantly proving it to them. Of course there are other things that can wrong in a relationship but be sure not to forget to do the things and spend the time just as you did when you first became a couple or before the kids came along.

Creator of this post:

 Brittnay is an Australian who lived in London for the past two years. She managed to squeeze in 21 trips to Europe & Africa in that time . She passionate about travel, health and nutrition, you will find her healthy and delicious recipes on The Nut Butter Hub.

1 comment:

  1. Needed to read this one! So challenging with little ones. xxx


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