January 26, 2018

6 Tips to Rise Up When You're Down


 I have been wrestling depression, off and on, my entire life. I believe that everyone has dealt with it at some point. Lately, it has been super rough on me, especially this month. As you may know, I am a stay at home mom of 3 girls. My husband works very long, very odd hours. Our schedules rarely meet up. I keep putting the thought that being a stay at home mom and a single mom are not really any different.

This is where the depression hits hard. I love my husband to death and I definitely wouldn't trade my life with him. I have been that single mom for the first 3 years of my oldest daughters life. My husband and I started dating around her first birthday. We were not stable for the first 3 years of her life, but she had insisted that he was daddy from the moment they met. To me, we were "love at first sight," it just took him longer to come around. lol. He later admitted that he felt it, too, he just wasn't sure he was ready.

Anyway, back from that tangent. I am home 24-7 with the kids. I clean the house with the kids. I do my workouts on 1/3 of my mat with the kids. I go to the store. Yep, you guessed it, WITH THE KIDS.

Now, since we just moved about 4 months ago, I haven't had a chance to go out and meet anyone or do the things I love. So, this led to a fall into a depression on top of that exhausted depression that I mentioned earlier. I didn't see any of this happening until about a week ago. I was sitting there scrolling through Twitter and realized how bored I was and didn't know what I could do about it. I just wanted to breathe from all the Stewie's in the house. You know the infamous "Mom, Mom, Mommy." I can't randomly get up and leave now, can I?

Honestly, my days are on repeat right now. I am constantly on autopilot. It literally never changes. Have you ever felt that way? I am stuck in a rut. Nothing new ever, I mean EVER happens. I literally sat down and cried today because its the same cycle. Thoughts and all.

I sat down and thought of all the ways I have pulled myself out.

Here are some tips to get up when you are feeling down:

1. Turn on your favorite podcast.

I literally can not sit down and talk for long. Or listen to someone talk for that matter. I literally went on autopilot while listened to one of my favorite podcasts. I like story-tellers by the way. One of them is called "Lore." I have been listening to it way before Amazon adapted the series. Anyway, I had 15 minutes before I had to go pick up my daughter from school. As I walked out the door, I realized I had just cleaned my entire living room at that time. I had no clue I was doing that much work.  

2. Turn on your favorite song/playlist.
I use YouTube for this. Do NOT turn on your favorite cry music here. We all have that playlist. I try not to ever use it. When I don't want to fold laundry, some Panic at the Disco, Halestorm, Seether, Fall Out Boy, or Paramore all come in handy. I like headbanging, jumping, mosh-pit, dancing music. It gets me pumped and ready to work. I literally fold like 4 or 5 loads in one sitting. Don't roll your eyes. I know I am not the only one who hates laundry. That's impossible. Seriously, though, try some hard music next time. I stand by the couch, folding, and my kids just look and laugh. I find it quite hilarious, too, because I know I look down-right ridiculous. But I'm a mom, I have an excuse lol.

3. Start a new workout.
I say new because if you are like me and feel like you are on repeat, this can help change it up. Add a few new pieces to your work out. Mix it up every once in a while. I like doing the same thing over and over, but at some point, you have to add more weights or do a new move because the same ones aren't hitting those muscles anymore. Your body needs the challenge to tone up. As your muscles get stronger, you add more weight right. Try something new here. 

4. Use your phone or the Internet.
Use your lifeline and CALL A FRIEND. Set up a time to go hang out at the park or schedule a wine and canvas. Set something up that gets you out of the house. If they have kids take them to the park with you. Their kids can keep your kids busy and out of your hair. Trust me, your friend is probably thinking the same thing. 

If you are like me and just moved, go on Facebook and search for mom groups in your area. I totally just did that 2 days ago and I found one. I was even referred to a "mom meet up." It is literally for meeting new friends who are also moms. Only moms will be there, NO KIDS! There are also a few moms who joined a local toddler PTA group. This consists of weekly playgroups with your children's age groups. I loved this idea. $12 a year to have meetings once a month with guest speakers to learn new ways to teach my kids at home, to let my kids play with other kids. They get to make friends and learn without the expensive cost of daycare that I don't need. All the while, mommy gets to make new friends, too.

5. Bake.
Bake a cake. Bake some cookies. I cannot be the only mom who likes to cook. I am a mom that a cake is good no matter what time it is. It's someone's birthday somewhere. Celebrate! This can be a change in your day, though. For real! I bake a cake like once every 3 months. Plus, you cannot stay sad while licking the batter off of the spatula! You definitely can't be sad shaking sprinkles, either. Bake a cake, just because. You do not need to be validated, lol!

6. Take a walk.
I liked our duck pond, back in my hometown. In college, when I felt lonely, this is where you would find me. I took a book, walked around the pond, sat under a tree and read. Sometimes, I studied. We live in a nice neighborhood now. I feel like I can walk, no matter what time it is. Walks are peaceful. They are a time for yourself. They are quiet. Read a book, get lost in another land, (secretly) fall in love with the hero. Or, drown in your thoughts. This is the time that I find my answers or peace. When I start getting angry and crying, I run. I have so much anger that it works as a great release. When I was younger, I got in trouble (for what? I don't remember). My mom sent me to my room, my dad was in his workshop. I ran out the door. I probably ran 30 laps around the house. It worked though. Whatever you are looking for, it is probably there.

I hope this helps someone. I have been in dark places before and these are how I find my way out. If they don't, there is something for you! I promise! I hated counseling and felt it never worked. I can't remember to take the pills. I had to find another outlet. I am also an insomniac. Depression and insomnia are like peanut butter and jelly. They go hand in hand. They make things harder for you. 

Big City Sportswear

Comment below and tell me what tips you have to get up when you are down. I want to know what works for you. Who knows it might help someone else, too. 

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January 23, 2018

Book Blitz: The Shadow Girl by Misty Mount

Genre: YA/ Fantasy/ Coming of Age
Publication Date: December 28, 2017
My Rating: 4.5/5 Stars
Shy, thirteen-year-old Zylia has always known she was different. Most teenagers feel unnoticed and unseen, but for Zylia, it's something much worse. She's disappearing from this world and doesn't know how to stop it. At times, she's not sure she wants to. Until she stumbles across a family mystery surrounding the disappearance of her great-aunt Angelica years earlier. During her quest to unravel the mystery, Zylia discovers she's able to cross the boundary and enter the "in between" world. Now, it's up to Zylia to save herself before she's trapped "in between" forever.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37769851-the-shadow-girl?ac=1&from_search=true

Quote Selections

“I have always known that I am invisible—I had no idea that eventually I would fade away completely.”

 “Blackness. Nothingness. It was in the shape of a giant, hazy shadow, enveloping me, swallowing me, and digesting me into the unknown. It was my biggest fear and my ultimate fate.”

 “As the freezing rain hit me, I could feel the stares...smoldering on my skin. I longed for invisibility. At times like this, the very curse that plagued me was also my protection.”

 “...in school I felt more undetectable than ever. I walked through the crowded hallways like a human pinball, careening off one person and bouncing into another.”

About the Author

Misty Mount has written since age five and was first published at fourteen. By day she’s a caregiver, wife and mother to a young son but during the quiet hours of night she becomes a novelist. She resides in Wichita, Kansas.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMistyMountOfficial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mistyamount

 Purchase Links:
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-shadow-girl-misty-mount/1127748175?ean=9780997939569
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/773764

Enter the giveaway for your chance to win 1 of 2 digital copies of "The Shadow Girl"
Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/0e7c6a8f26/?

Tour Organized By:


January 19, 2018

The Ugly Truth About Bullying


 Let's talk about something that hits close to home. Bullying. Some of you may not know how to read the signs. I certainly understand. Especially when you have a teenager that hides away all day. I don't, yet, have one of these. But I was one.

On the other hand, some of you may not know how to talk about it. I will be covering both of these topics today.

First of all, let's talk about what it is. Bullying is when things like exclusion happen, physical interactions take place, lies and rumors are spread, threats are made, verbal abuse and teasing, and there's cyberbullying.

Now, I know you don't want to be plowed by statistics. So, for further reading in this area, I copied this link: http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/category/bullying-statistics
These numbers are pretty high.

Let's go over each type of bullying now.
1. Exclusion - this is when a person is being ignored, left out on purpose, or they aren't allowed to join in.
2. Physical - this includes being hit, kicked, or pushed around.
3. Lies and Rumors - Lies or nasty stories are told about someone to make other kids not like them.
4. Threats - someone is being made fun or teased in a mean and hurtful way.
5. Cyberbullying - This is a form of internet bullying. It causes lasting harm to young people. It is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically, by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

There are many other types of bullying, but I feel these are the most common.

Now, let's talk about the signs of your child being a victim.
1. Your child may come home with torn or damaged clothes or items.
2. Your child may only have a few friends if any.
3. He/She frequently comes up with excuses to avoid things.
4. They may seem afraid to go to school or do anything with peers.
5. They may have lost interest in things that they favored before.
6. Your child may seem sad, moody, or depressed after school.
7. Some kids may have trouble sleeping.
8. They might experience a loss of appetite.
9. They may suffer from low self-esteem and seem anxious.

Here are some ways to get your child to speak with you about bullying.
1. "I've heard a lot about bullying in the news. Is it happening at your school?"
2. I'm worried about you. Is anyone picking on you or are you being bullied?"
3. "Is anyone teasing you in a mean way?"
4. "Do you play with others on the playground? Are you being left out on purpose?"

Honestly, just asking about their day could be enough to get them to open up. I ask my daughter, who is 7, every day on our walk home. If she doesn't answer, I ask about each subject. "How was P.E.?" I ask her, "Did you play with <insert classmate name here> today at recess?" Sometimes, it is just enough to know you care.

Here's how to know if your child is the bully.
1. Your child may display signs of having trouble sleeping.
2. They may be impulsive, easily frustrated, lack of empathy toward others, and have a history of discipline problems.
3. They could be getting into trouble at school for fighting or acting dominant or aggressive with other kids.
4. If your child is obsessed with popularity, they may be excluding other kids or acting in a hostile way toward them.
5. They may hang out with other kids who show aggressive behavior or are mean-spirited.
6. There is violence in the home. (This goes for victims also.)

How do you deal with your child bullying others?
1. Try to find the source of their anger. Is there something happening at school? Home? If it's a repeat incident, are there impulse control or anger management issues?
2. Instill empathy and help them understand the power of their actions and words. here is an awesome story to use: https://www.attn.com/stories/10786/woman-uses-toothpaste-teach-daughter-lesson-about-bullying
3. Ask the child how they would feel if someone treated them or their sibling this way.
4. Role play the situation. This way the child can learn the appropriate way to deal with it.

A helpful tip for either situation:
Make sure you talk with the teacher(s) on a regular basis. Statistically, students do better in school when there is parent involvement. The teacher(s) may see more than you think and can tell you what they see.

Cyberbullying, on the other hand, is tough to deal with because once it's out there you can't take it back. With Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and many other types of social media, it puts cyberbullying at an all-time high. This is more likely to happen with teens. Here is where I would break my child's trust if I fear it happening and they won't tell me about it.

1. Keep track of their social media pages. (My mom let my brother create a Facebook page with an email she had control over and she had to have his password.)
2. Use a tracking app. (My dad did this with me, I hated it at the time. As a parent now, I understand.)
3. There are many apps out there, some for free, that you can track your child's text messages to your email. Even after they delete them from their phone.

Now, I said to break their trust. Honestly, I didn't get a phone until I turned 15. I was driving myself around and my parents want to have easy contact with me. I couldn't use social media until I was an adult. They knew the risks of it and I was already bullied. I was grateful because it would have been worse had I done so.

Doing these things doesn't mean you don't trust them. It means you love them. You are worried about them and don't trust others. I am glad my family kept a watchful eye on me while I still got the freedom of being a teenager.

Another useful tip. Have them turn their phones over to you at night or turn off the WIFI.

It is easy to say that life gets in the way, but, no matter, you should always be involved with your child's life and education. I love walking to school with my oldest because it gives her time with me away from her little sisters. She is more likely to talk with me then. Play a game with your child, sit down and listen. Don't even talk. Listen to how they play with their toys in their room. When she was in daycare at 4, this is how I learned about her days. I wouldn't even be in the same room. I turned off the t.v. and acted like I was reading. She would even use the kid's names from her class.

No one said that being a parent was easy. I just hope this helps someone. If you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment. I do my best to reply to them all.
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January 16, 2018

Special Update

Hey everyone,

I have something I would like to share with you for reading my blog and giving me a successful first week.

I love writing new posts to share with you and I am very glad you all have enjoyed them, too.

Here are some promo codes to say thank you. Grab them while their hot. These are only good until supplies run out.

Save 15% on select Mederma beauty products with promo code 15OFFMEDERMA, through 2/7 while supplies last.

Save 15% on select TP-Link camera products with promo code 15TESTKC02, through 1/23 while supplies last.


Save $80 on select NETGEAR pc products with promo code 80OFFORBIPRO, through 1/13 while supplies last.
Save $1.50 on select Sabrent pc products with promo code 1SABRENT, through 1/19 while supplies last.


Save 40% on select Lazy Cat furniture products with promo code 40LAZYCAT, through 2/4 while supplies last.

Save 25% on select goodnessknows grocery products with promo code 25GKSNACK, through 2/6 while supplies last.

Home Decor

Save 30% on select Eureka home products with promo code 30EUREKADEAL, through 1/26 while supplies last. 
Save 20% on select Eureka home products with promo code 20NES210, through 1/26 while supplies last. 

Save 15% on select Cook N Home kitchen products with promo code 15CNH2017, through 1/17 while supplies last.


Save 40% on select Clear Gear sports products with promo code 40CLEARGEAR, through 1/19 while supplies last.

Again, thank you all so much.


January 10, 2018


Hey guys! With our second week of the new year underway, I have been thinking a lot about changes and growth. What was great about the previous year? What will I be doing this year? What can I do now to start off great?

I thought about it all some more, then I came to the realization that I do not like resolutions!

Is anyone else with me? There are 365 days in a year. I have a hard time as it is keeping up with my busy lifestyle. Can I really keep a commitment along with everything else.

This is why we take baby steps. Make a commitment, but set small goals along the way to help you stick to it. My resolution was to find an identity away from the title of mom. Find someone that I want to be away from the kids. Find something to do when I want to escape the house. I have been a stay at home mom for a while now and I still don’t have the routines down to a “T.” I always liked to work but paying for daycare became hard. I don’t want to be that mom, that after my kids are grown and doing their own things, is sitting at home wondering who I am later on.

Honestly, I have been contemplating starting a blog for a year. What was in it for me? Why was I even interested? I don’t like to write. I suck at it, actually. My husband actually helps me with my papers for school. Yes, I write them the best I can. I eventually ask him to add some more “meat” to it later, though. He is very creative, whereas I am one track minded. My focus is stuck on one thing until it gets done.

Anyway, back on topic, I researched and asked questions all year. I came to the realization, when last semester ended that I would need something to do with myself to let my mind escape. I wanted to do something for me, but something that would let me stay home with my babies at the same time. So, this week I just dove right in. I love researching and learning new things. I found myself asking some questions and realized that this would be great for a blog. Step one to finding something for myself and develop my own identity, complete.

I am also learning a new language now. I like watching foreign movies with my husband and now I am getting tired of missing things because I have to read the script. I eventually fall asleep. He already understands the majority of the languages and he can pick them up fast. I struggled to make it through Spanish in school, not so easy for me. But it is something I have wanted to do for years, so little by little, I will learn it. Small step two, complete.

Step three, cue weight-loss journey. Small steps. We have been working on cutting out junk before Christmas. But then Christmas came. We know how hard it is to lose weight during a holiday. So, now I am making a bounce back. We want to start living a healthier lifestyle. It does get hard to plan meals when your grocery budget is so small. I will not let that stop me, though. We are becoming more active, or trying to anyway. The cold, cloudy weather doesn’t help. I have to fight that urge that we all get. You know the one. Laying down on the couch, turning on Netflix, cuddled up with that big bag of [insert favorite snack]. I know I can’t be the only one.

Last step for me, opening that Etsy shop that everyone says I should. I love to draw and color. I am not as talented as most. I can usually copy a drawing or handwriting, but coming up with ideas is tough. So, for two years I have explored the idea. I created signs for school functions at my daughter’s school and some for my mother’s classroom. I have ideas as long as someone tells me what they are looking for. I get afraid to have ideas and mass produce for a shop in the case that they won’t sell. That is a fear that I have to beat. I have created a few things to post, but I want to have a few more ready before I make that commitment. Baby steps, remember. I love art so I will be making downloadable content for my shop. That way they are always available and I don’t have to over work trying to recreate them.

I am also told that I should publish a children’s story that I wrote when I was a teenager that had a good moral. Sadly, I don’t remember most of it but I do remember the premise. That may come at a later time, though. Again, baby steps.

Many of you may be asking, why baby steps? Just do it. I’m sorry but I am not Nike. lol. I say baby steps, because I get overwhelmed thinking about multiple tasks to the point I lose interest in everything. I think some of you can relate. I do, however, go in with a full picture of what I want as the end result and do NOT forget it. That way I always have the goal in mind.

I believe all these things will happen in the time and order that God has planned for me. He has worked to plant these seeds in my mind, I believe I have the capability to do them, and I believe everything has their time. I will follow where I am led to achieve what is planned.

Now, friends, tell me, what are your new plans for the new year? Do you have a plan that will help you to accomplish them? I want to hear your thoughts! Until next time, you can follow me on twitter, @amercitotty90.

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January 7, 2018

How To Get ME Time As A Stay At Home Mom

If you are like me and spend a lot of time with your irresistibly adorable babies, you know it can be hard to find some time for yourself. We crave it, but it seems impossible to grab just a few minutes.

We need this time to gather our thoughts and energy. So, I have scoured the internet and thought of my previous talks with my husband to give you this list of a few tips to get some peace.

  1. Do NOT be afraid to ask for help. We are only human and we can't do it all alone. Moms do get the title of SUPERHUMAN because we have so many talents, but we know that is far from true at the end of the day. Occasionally, we do need some extra help.
    1. Recruit some friends and family. Sometimes I feel guilty asking for extra help from my family, but they have been there, too. More than likely, you have people who are understanding and see that you look fried from an electric shock. They are probably willing to help. I have to remind myself that a couple of hours is not like I am ditching them for the night.
    2. Recruit other stay at home moms. Trade a few days with each other to watch kids. You know they need a break too. Join forces and release each other from responsibility for a couple of hours.
    3. Hire childcare. Check out some local babysitters. Have a date night, or if you are like me, go paint at a Wine and Canvas event. Have a girls night with some friends. 
    4. Pass the kids off to hubby.  Explain that you need a break like everyone else. My talk was along the lines of him getting time with grown ups, to work and think quietly, and to be a nerd (lol). He understands and sees that I need some time too. I take a bath with some lavender epsom salt to relax and gather my thoughts. I like to read a book and let my mind escape to a far off land sometimes.
    5. Trade with your spouse. Chances are he goes out and does his thing once a week. Whether if it's with friends or golf. Trade time with him. If he goes out for 3 or 4 hours to do these things, tell him you will get the same amount on another day to do something you want. 
    6. Wake up before the kids. Quietly drink that cup of coffee that usually gets cold after five minutes of being poured. You can enjoy some peace before the kids get up to get ready for school. We all know that's a hectic routine. 
    7. Get the kids to lay down. My girls fight nap time. So, I quit calling it nap time. I tell them to lay down for quiet time with a book and tell them not to get up until I come to get them. Then, I can have a couple of hours to myself. Sometimes, they fall asleep. Sometimes, they talk to themselves. As long as they are laying down, I know that I can have some peace for me.
    8. Introduce 30 minute quiet time. This kind of meets with the last bullet. This works for older kids, too. If they need to reach a reading goal, this is a good time for them to do so while you rest.
    9. Close the door. Yes! Sometimes, it is okay to close the door. I wouldn't have had a quiet bath last night if I didn't. Put a stick note on the door to your room. Make this a symbol meaning "Leave Mommy Alone." Use it when dad is around to help with the little ones if you are not comfortable with just closing the door.
    10. Schedule your time. Make a point to schedule, once a week, some alone time. Some time to go to the grocery store alone. Some time to go to the library and pick up that book you had your eye on, and sit there and read some of it. Whatever you choose to do with that time. That is YOUR time for you. No one screaming like Stewie. Turn off your phone if you want because this is your time. 

     I hope this is helpful to all of you. I do find it hard to get that time. Or, when I have that time I find that I don't know what to do with it. Don't let that stop you though. Take your time, use it how you choose.

    Please comment how you use your time. Let's give each other some ideas. I would like to hear from you!

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    January 6, 2018

    The Time I Went to Cozumel

        In February of 2012, my mother, sister, and I went on our first cruise. We traveled down to Galveston, Texas to board our ship. We had been planning this for months, but the one thing we never agreed on was our excursions. I loved to swim in the ocean, on the other hand my family did not. We dropped our luggage in our rooms and went to explore our ship. My only worry was how my oldest daughter was going to do while we were gone. She stayed behind with my grandmother for the week and she loved every minute.
        We ate some wonderful food in the paid for restaurant, as well as the small “fast food” places on the deck. These came in handy when we wanted a late night snack. We sang karaoke in one of the bars, this was a past time that my sister and I enjoyed before I had my first child. We also enjoyed the hot tubs and a few side events that took place including ice carving. The boat alone was a great vacation.
    We arrived at Cozumel a few days later. As soon as we got of the boat we were to meet at our excursions. Now, you may have figured out what I chose, maybe not. *Drum Roll* I chose to go snorkeling while my mom and sister went to swim with dolphins. I chose not to join them because I felt like I had already experienced this from movies and shows and other family members pictures and videos. I wanted to do something that no one in my family had, and I don’t have many fears that I can’t face. Yes, the ocean was vast and I was afraid to go on my own with a boat full of strangers. But, the beauty of it was totally worth it. I wish I had an underwater camera to share the photos, but all I had was my words and experience. I got to see a shark swim across the ocean floor (it was small), a parrotfish (pictures do this fish no justice, it really is beautiful), some stingray (i got to touch it), and tons of colorful coral. I was literally at peace. I was in my element.     
    Like every little girl, I dreamed of being a mermaid. Here I was in the middle of the ocean with clear blue water, doing just that. This was the greatest trip of my entire life. My sister and I were actually having fun and getting along. For those with sisters or daughters, you know this is a gift. We lived in the same apartment but couldn’t get along or agree on anything. Yes, she was my best friend and we did a lot together. So, you do get tired of each other after a while and need a break.
    I loved the vacation and I regretted when it was over, but felt relief that I could call my daughter when we got off. She didn’t even notice I was gone. It was time to get back to reality.
    Let me know what your favorite vacation was.

    Who am I?

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin

    I am a 27 year old stay at home mom of three beautiful girls that constantly love to gain my attention. Hello, I am Amerci, the threepeat mom.

    My girls are 7, 3, and 2. I am also married to a great husband who works all the time to support our big family. So, since I am at home all the time, I am constantly looking for ways to escape my mind of the everyday stresses that come with the job. Thus, the blog was born. For me, this is my escape to talk about my hectic, loveable life. I dabble in everything because I love to learn new things. My husband is a gamer in his free time and my kids are ballerina princesses in theirs. I love to explore and play with all of them. So, you will see a variety of things on here. I don’t just have one niche.

       I like to do science experiments and art with my kids on the weekends. We make homemade playdough. I, sometimes, incorporate mixing colors for educational purposes. We make jellyfish in a bottle, or experiment with oil and water amongst many other possibilities. I have a blast making messes with them.
    I like to read on my own time. Most of the time, that’s at 10 or 11 o’clock at night. I love recommendations, as well. *hint, hint*
    On my husband’s time, I like to play Borderlands, Risk, or Left4Dead on the XBox with him.
    I love Doctor Who, especially Matt Smith’s run. Amelia Pond is one my favorite companions. I love watching movies and tv shows such as; The Good Doctor, The Runaways, The Flash, Supergirl, Traveler’s, Pitch Perfect (I love Anna Kendrick), The Fast and the Furious Saga, and many others.

    Please comment any of your interests, too. I would love to get to know my readers! Let me know anything you would want to read about.

    Who am I?

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin I am a 27 year old stay at home mom of three beautiful girls that constantly love to gain my a...

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