April 14, 2018

Everything you wanted to know about the Homemaking Bundle

So many of you have already invested in yourself and your home this week by picking up the year’s best collection of practical printables, online classes and easy-to-follow eBooks (I’m so excited for you!).
People raved about last year’s bundle and I personally think the 2018 version is even better!
I have absolutely loved everything in the 2017 Homemaking Bundle. I bought it thinking some of the information looked useful, plus I really wanted to try some of the bonuses. I can’t tell you how grateful I was to take a chance and buy this last year. It has helped me out so much! – Krists
But since this is a really unique concept and not everyone even really understands what a “bundle” is, I wanted to answer some of the great questions I’ve been asked about this bundle and how it all works.
Q1: Is this one big course? Or a bunch of different products?
A1: This bundle is a collection of 62 eBooks, 30 eCourses, videos & audios, 34 printables & workbooks, and 3 membership sites. Inside this bundle, you will find tons of resources with hundreds of recipes, chore printables, budget planners, and more. It’s basically all your favorite bloggers’ products together in one collection – all for $29.97.
Q2: What am I going to do with so many resources?
A2: There is no way on earth each of these eBooks / eCourses is relevant to where you are right now. Some of them will have a lot of appeal, and some won’t. But in most cases, it only takes 3 or 4 eBooks or eCourses that you’re going to use for you to start saving money. Not to mention, there are 30 resources alone that are worth as much or more than the cost of the bundle itself. So, even though you won’t use every resource in the bundle, it would still be really hard to not save a ton of money anyway.
Q3: How do I know I’m actually getting good quality products and not just a bunch of “throw-away” eBooks?
A3: The Ultimate Bundles team spends months reviewing potential contributors, approaches only the best for inclusion, and then only accepts the top products that they think will have the most appeal out of those. Many of these are even full-length eCourses with video tutorials or even access to a private Facebook group! They are highly selective and it shows.
Q4: OK, but what if I buy it and don’t like it?
A4: Although Ultimate Bundles has an extremely low return rate at less than 1/4 of the industry standard, there are some people who it doesn’t work for. That’s why they offer a 100% happiness guarantee refund policy. If you don’t love it, just email customerservice@ultimatebundles.com to ask for a full refund.
Q5: Can I just wait and purchase it some other time? Isn’t this “limited time only” just a sales gimmick?
A5: You’re right, sometimes that’s used as a sales gimmick. However, because of the unique nature of this sale (Ultimate Bundles does not have the perpetual right to sell the eBooks and eCourses in the bundle) and in order to honor their contracts with these product creators, the sale will truly end on Monday, April 16th. Occasionally, popular bundles are brought back for a 2-day flash sale, but it’s not guaranteed!
Q6: This sounds like a scam. Can you prove it’s not?
A6: I know it seems too good to be true. Pay $29.97 for $3680+ in resources? Doesn’t that mean someone’s losing big time? Or the prices are inflated?
I totally get your concerns. I’ve been an affiliate for Ultimate Bundles for years and I can tell you that I offer these bundles to my readers because they’re a great value. Even though they may be including their product in a bundle that costs less than their product, product creators get exposure to new potential readers, which can pay off in big ways later. And when you buy a bundle through your favorite blogger (hopefully me!), you’ll support them, too! Plus, the bundle is offered for such a short time that they can go back quickly to selling their product at full price.
In short, it’s a great deal for everyone. Ultimate Bundles is a reputable company, so if you try the bundle and don’t like it within 30 days, just ask their friendly, helpful customer happiness team for a refund.
I hope that fully answers your questions!!
In my opinion, you really don’t want to pass up a deal this good. But I’ll leave that up to you. Just don’t wait too long, because the sale is so short!

P.S. Seriously, don’t wait. Check out all the details here and let me know if you have any others questions that I didn’t answer: https://us154.isrefer.com/go/UhomB2018/a13178/

Get Organized and Get Your Life Back

Making a home is harder than it looks.
It’s not any one thing — the family members who lack toilet aim or the daily kitchen duties or the budget woes or the parenting what-am-I-doing moments or the basement flooding- no, it’s not any of those things in particular.
It’s ALL of it.
It’s the cumulative effect of juggling the different roles and responsibilities and
circumstances we face each day and trying desperately to give each of them our best.
We want to lead beautiful, joyful, meaningful lives. We want our homes to feel organized, functional and inviting. We want to raise our families lovingly and intentionally. We want to invest in ourselves and continually grow as people.
All of these things are good. But that doesn’t make them easy.
The reality is, we can all use a little help along the way, from women who have strengths in
areas where we struggle, or who are a little further down the road than we are.
What if you could learn organizing and decluttering methods to keep your household
running smoothly most of the time?
What if you could find strategies for balancing all the roles you need to fill – without going
crazy and without compromising what’s most important to you?
What if you had meal planning help, and could serve your family quick & healthy meals ?
What if you found ideas to improve your relationships – your faith, your marriage, and your parenting?
And what if you could find the support you need to create an intentional home and life – one that falls in line with your values and dreams?
Well, you can. ðŸ™‚
I’m so excited to tell you about the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle , a digital library of resources and tools to help you in all these areas and more!

It includes products like eBooks, online courses, printables and planners, audio files, membership sites and more, crammed into one unbelievable collection, for a ridiculously low price. Ultimate Bundles creates a lot of different bundles, but this particular one has been running for 6 years (with brand new products each year!), it’s their most popular bundle EVER and over 100,000 women have picked one up since 2013.
I love working with this family-run company because they care so much about the value and quality of each bundle and their customer service is amazing.
This year’s edition is the biggest and most valuable yet! It includes 62 ebooks, 30 videos, audios, & eCourses, 34 printables & workbooks, 2 videos, and 3 membership sites.
There’s only one catch: It’s available for just six days only .
That’s how they convince all these amazing bloggers and product creators to include their
products for so little!
For way less than the cost of an “oops” Target shopping trip, you’ll get a complete library to help you:
  • Achieve better balance and manage your schedule more efficiently
  • Declutter your home (and actually keep it that way!)
  • Create 100 frugal recipes with a pantry of just 26 ingredients
  • Conquer screen-time battles, and help kids learn coping strategies for stress, anxiety
    & anger
  • Print out gorgeous planners so you can stay organized in style
  • Rekindle the romance with a plan for everyday passion in your marriage
  • Refresh your wardrobe with 64 days of mix-and-match outfit ideas for every season of the year
  • and so much more!
Plus, it comes with over $180 worth of bonus offers from companies you’ll love (this is one of my favorite parts).
Besides being packed with so much great stuff, one of the things I like best about the bundle is the price .
By offering it for a short time only, they’re able to give you access to over 129 digital products worth $3,680 — for just $29.97 ! (Nope, I’m not kidding. Can you believe it?)

Here’s how it works:
  1. Visit their website, take a quick look at all the goodness that comes in this package, then click the “Get my copy now!” button to go through their simple and secure 3-step checkout process.
  2. You’ll receive an email with a login to their online access portal, where you’ll begin downloading your eBooks, signing up for your eCourses, and redeeming your free bonus offers.
  3. Use their Getting Started Guide to pick the topic you want to tackle first and start your stress-less homemaking journey!
The most important detail, though, is this bundle is available for just six days! After
Monday night, April 16th, the sale ends and you’d have to buy all of these products individually
I’d hate for you to miss out, so click HERE https://us154.isrefer.com/go/UHomB2018/a13178/ to learn more or buy the bundle.
It’s even backed by a 100% happiness guarantee , so you can make sure it’s right for you. Creating a home and life you love is not out of reach.
Learn more or get your bundle HERE https://us154.isrefer.com/go/UHomB2018/a13178/
(Psst… the bundle goes away at 11:59 pm Eastern on Monday, April 16th, so don’t wait!)

Why I used to be a hot mess and how I changed that

A few years ago, when I started growing my family, my house constantly felt dirty, crusty, and cluttered. I never invited any friends over because I was so embarrassed at the mounds of laundry covering the couches and dirty dishes constantly overflowing the sink.
When I had a free moment to myself, cleaning up the house so I could have friends over was the last thing I wanted to do. I felt really lonely.
But finally I started to make small progress. I learned a secret that kept my laundry under control (and off the couch!). I figured out how to simplify meal times to cut down on dishes, and I learned how to spot the clutter zones in my house (and how to get rid of them).
I throw open the door when friends stop by unannounced now. It’s not that my home is ever spotless, but it’s comfortable and I always have a clean coffee mug and a free couch cushion for a friend. ðŸ˜‰
But I haven’t forgotten how desperate and lonely I felt back then…
If you’ve felt that way too, I am SO excited to tell you about something that has so many tips and ideas to create a warm, welcoming home (plus help you balance everything you’ve got going on).
In particular, it includes a ton of resources for decluttering and getting your home in order, keeping on top of cleaning more easily, frugal ideas for bringing more beauty to your home, and all sorts of simple strategies for being guest-ready and taking the anxiety out of hospitality. 
It’s called the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle.
With 129 eBooks, eCourses, printables, videos, workbooks, and more, you’ll be able to find a ton of resources that apply to your life right now.
Plus, it’s like your own personal library on all topics home, family, kitchen, organizing, self-care, parenting and so much more, that you can reach for again and again.
Truthfully, it’s the resource I wish I would have had years ago. (And at a 98% discount, it’s super affordable for anyone!)

P.S. This bundle sale is over on April 16th at midnight. It’s just a super short sale (hence the discounted price) so don’t miss it! https://us154.isrefer.com/go/UhomB2018/a13178/

April 6, 2018

A Guide to Effective Parenting: How To Raise Your Kids to Be Responsible

I am back from my sabbatical, everyone. Sorry I was gone for so long. With spring break and Easter, March was very busy for me as I am sure it was for you.

I want to get started on a weekly course over the next few weeks. I came across a book that I would highly recommend to any parent. Parenting With Love And Logic (Updated and Expanded Edition) by Foster Cline, MD and Jim Fay.

Let's get down to it. The tips from here on out will work MOST of the time. Making good choices HAS to be LEARNED, just like anything else. There is no 100% effective way to parent. But I am here to tell you, this helps.

Our world is filled with kids that can't figure out right from wrong, or they feel like they can't do things for themselves. It is up to us, as their parents to teach them how to do things and know the difference.

When you were a kid, did you ever tell yourself or your friends that when you have your own kids, you will never raise them and discipline them the same way you were growing up?

I sure did. Here is a newsflash for most of you though. Whether we like it or not,  we tend to raise our kids how we were raised.

There are several types of parents out there. I am sure your parents were one of them.

1. The Helicopter Parent 

       This is the parent that protects their child from E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. They hover over their child. They rescue them whenever trouble arises. They protect them from every growing experience that the child needs.

       Children raised this way struggle later on in adulthood while trying to figure everything out. They don't know how to handle the challenges of life. They will learn the hard way that they can't bail out of trouble or responsibilities. How will they handle getting a traffic ticket, missing overdue bills, getting fired at work, taxes? No one will be there to bail them out. What happens then?

2. The Turbo-Attack Helicopter Parent

      These parents strive to show their kids a perfect world. One in which their child doesn't have to face disappointment, inconvenience, struggle, or feel discomfort. These kids look good on paper: high grades, awards, honors, etc. Parents want their kids to have every advantage, things are swept under the rug. 

    In the end, character and attitude are what is important. Not what is on their transcripts. Kids gain this character through overcoming struggles and learning through them. Not by being protected.

3. Drill Sergeant Parent

      These parents believe in controlling everything their children do. There is only one way to fold a towel. Is there really?  They believe kids need to be disciplined and told what to do. When they speak to their kids, words are full of I told you so or put-downs. 
      Kids suffer because they don't know how to think for themselves. They eventually rebel because they don't want to hear their parents voice in their heads making decisions for them. They have been ordered around and have become dependent on the parents. When the kids were younger and the pressure from peers was not so heavy, they never got to learn how to make the decision for themselves. These kids tend to be followers, again, because they can't think for themselves.

Finally, we have....

4. The Laissez-Faire Parent

        This type of parent could be unsure of how to handle their kids, or they have become confused by all the "advice" on parenting. So, they decide to let their kids raise themselves. They sit back and let kids dictate. They want to be their child's best friend and that it's important to preserve that relationship.

        This is a cop-out or misunderstanding of our parental responsibilities.

I am ashamed to say I have been all of these types of parents. I was raised as an army brat, so of course, I was raised by at least one drill sergeant parent. I want, like all parents, the best for my kids. So, I am a helicopter parent. And then, there are days that I give up and just don't care because everything I do just isn't working. The Laissez-Faire parent, I am. 

Here is the answer you came here to get.

The most effective type of parenting is....

The Consulting Parent

         This is the parent that asks questions and gives choices. They establish options while hanging onto the boundaries. This kind of parenting is the goal. I have used it for two weeks now and even my 2-year-old is making better decisions. We must maintain those boundaries in order to help our kids understand that they are responsible for those decisions and that there are consequences. Ask them "What could you have done instead?" Instead of saying "Why did you do that? What were you thinking?" If they won't sit at the table and eat dinner, "Well, I can take your plate and we can get ready for bed now or you can eat at the table and talk with us about your day." If they won't clean their room, "Would you like to clean your room or sell a toy to hire me to clean it."
        More than likely, they will clean instead of losing a toy. If they choose to sell a toy, then they can choose the toy or opt for you to choose the toy. If they are older and want to borrow money, make them set something up with you for collateral (ex. game console, tv, stereo, headphones, etc.).

        When they are struggling with something, don't just take it and do it for them. Ask "Are you having a hard time? Would you like me to show you how to do it this time so you can do it on your own next time?" This works when they want to make their own PB&J sandwich, peel an orange, build something from Legos, or most other instances. 

         Kids like to do things by themselves, but they don't always know how to go about it. They like feeling independent so they can tell you, "Look, mom, look what I did." We need to give them the tools and knowledge to do this.

         We are trying to set up instances where they can be responsible and take ownership of their behaviors. When kids get older, they will already know how to make decisions on their own instead of being a follower like a drill sergeant kid or know how to take rejection, unlike the helicopter kids.

Do not argue with them. This is key. Here are some one-liners that you can use:

1. "I love you too much to argue."
2. "I know."
3. "What did I say?"
4. "I argue at 6:00 AM on Saturdays."
5. "Aren't you glad that I don't believe that?"

Check out the article on "Going Brain Dead": http://goo.gle/pteXkh

Now, I will tell you that it is difficult trying to change our ways. I have had a few fallbacks during my two weeks. It takes patience and work.  Give kids the opportunity to fail, so next time, they can succeed and learn from their mistakes. If we do everything for them, they will never learn how to be independent thinkers and doers. They will always be looking for a bailout or someone to tell them what to do. What happens when it is time to send them out into the world alone? I, for one, want my kid to be able to figure out how to succeed in life. Start their own business. Buy their own vehicle. Fix the kinks in that vehicle. Change the tire. I definitely don't want to be called, "Mom, I got a ticket today. Can you pay it for me?" Not when they are 25 or 30 years old, for sure. 

Most of the stuff I am doing with this now, I have done in the past. But I have moved, had more kids, gotten busy, and forgotten. I started getting overwhelmed and someone told me about this book. I feel like I am getting back on track with my life and my kids. 

Patience is key during this. Yes, it takes longer to get your kids to make the decision or do the task, but I don't want them to grow up and be reliant on me. They will get further and be happier when they learn to do things for themselves. They will feel proud of themselves when they finally achieve the goals they set before themselves. 

Let me know how you feel about this topic. Are you all for it or not at all interested? We, as parents, forget the importance of our roles in our kids' lives. It is our job to raise them into respectable and responsible adults.

Parenting With Love And Logic (Updated and Expanded Edition) by Foster Cline, MD and Jim Fay.

April 5, 2018

How To Spend Quality Time With Your Partner When You Have Small Kids

As a couple it is important to spend time together. Quality time spent together is what fosters feelings of love can and without it the relationship will inevitably begin to fade. With the demands that small children put onto relationships it becomes increasingly hard for a couple to make time to spend together.

You can find time for your partner when you have small kids despite how busy you may be. Don’t get caught up in your day-to-day activities and forget about loving your partner. Read on for ways to spend quality time with the one that you love.

Go To The Gym Together 

 It is usually hard to find time for people to go to the gym. That’s why it’s a great couples activity. You get to cross something off of your to do list as well as spend time with your partner. Take laps around the pool together, go for a walk on the indoor track, or even spot each other while you lift weights.

 The most important thing is that you are getting fit together and holding each other accountable. The great thing about gyms is that they usually have childcare for the little ones in your life so you don’t have to worry about watching your kids and can focus on your work out together.

Couples Game Night 

 It’s probably very likely that you want to spend time with your friends as well as your partner. Invite your favorite couple over to have a day of BBQing and games outside in your backyard. Having kids near a BBQ can be dangerous so ensure you gas grill safety!

 Spend the day BBQing and eating with your family, kids included, but once it's nighttime put the kids to bed and have a game night with your friends. You can play some adult friendly games like cards against humanity or a regular fun game like taboo. Don’t forget the wine for some extra fun.

Family Friendly Vacation 

Going on vacation strictly as a couple may not be realistic for every family; maybe they have no one to watch the kids for the extended stay so they opt to bring the kids instead. If you can’t find a sitter or simply don’t trust anyone to watch your children make sure you do your research before booking anything. You want to find resorts or cruises that offer childcare or kids fun place that way you can get some alone time in and don’t have to compromise time with your children.

Communicate When Apart 

Quality time isn’t just about the time you physically spend with each other and its okay of you can’t be with your partner for a lot of the day. When you are apart is just as important as if you were together. Call your spouse on your lunch break and keep it light hearted, don’t just call to complain about your boss, make it about your partner. You could discuss the specifics of a trip you want to take or a new restaurant you saw that opened up around the corner.

 If you can’t call send a text message or email letting your partner know you are thinking of them. This will go a long way and make your partner's day because everyone wants to feel like others are thinking about him or her.

 Take the time to spend with your partner they will in turn feel supported and secure in the fact that you love them because you are constantly proving it to them. Of course there are other things that can wrong in a relationship but be sure not to forget to do the things and spend the time just as you did when you first became a couple or before the kids came along.

Creator of this post:

 Brittnay is an Australian who lived in London for the past two years. She managed to squeeze in 21 trips to Europe & Africa in that time . She passionate about travel, health and nutrition, you will find her healthy and delicious recipes on The Nut Butter Hub.

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Follow my blog with Bloglovin I am a 27 year old stay at home mom of three beautiful girls that constantly love to gain my a...

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